Deniz İpeksoy

Turkey - Boheme Wedding Co.

Votes: 0


How Many Years of Establishment in the Industry?
Number of Employment of in your office (Number of pax 1 - 10.000 )
Type of Decorations
What types of themes have been used for decor?
boheme and chic, elegant and rustic
Tools and utilities used for decorations
vases, glass objects, candle holders, etc..
Are your decorations self-made or outsourced?
How many decorations you perform annually? (1-100)
What is the biggest decoration you have ever involved in? (1-10.000 pax)
Are the decorations domestic or international
Add the Field of Expertise that You Want to be Nominated For (Only Text)
Since i both educated and graduated from high school and university at tourism faculty in Antalya, I would like to increase on the field of expertise, Incoming and outgoing destination weddings, and local weddings including wedding consultancy and also as serving as a concierge
Why Should You be Considered for the Award?
Beacuse, i gave 10 years to my old company with my ex-husband and did there more than 1000 successfull wedding organisations and i just found my new baby Boheme Wedding Co. from the zero and since January i got and assigned more than 50 wedding organizations in İzmir. So i think this shows my and my team's special effort and success. This shows me that how i can manage the couples' satisfaction and make them happy during their wedding process.. Since i am also professional in tourism industry, becuase of my strong contacts i can plan their before wedding and after weddding travels including honeymoons. If i can just be a candidate it is also enough for me now.. It is just a new start of my dreams. I want to contact all over the World's Destination Wedding Professionals. Thank you.
Biography in PDF or WORD Format (Please add only pdf and word file)
Press Release about your Blog (Please add only image file max size. 3mb)
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